SAVEFACE NBV(no bad vibes) Coin Anti-Radiation Blocking Decal in Blue.






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SAVEFACE NBV(no bad vibes) Coin Anti-Radiation Blocking Decal in Blue. EMF blocking coin to reduce radiation exposure and create a healthier balance between your digital self and your IRL health. Studies show that wireless radiation can cause long term cellular damage and inflammation in the body, uneven collagen distribution and hormonal breakouts. Prolonged exposure can even destabilize our metabolism and mess with our sleep by suppressing the secretion of melatonin, causing dizziness and daytime fatigue. Avoid toxic energy and surround yourself with protective ions that neutralize EMFs, making it healthier for your body to absorb. Diffuses up to 99% of EMF radiation without affecting service. Works on all devices with WiFi, Bluetooth or a cellular signal. Lightweight, instantly installs, and minimizes EMF impact on your natural sleep rhythm. Imported. SAVR-WA6. 068475300350.