Smartech Re-Timer light therapy sleeping device




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Smartech Re-Timer light therapy sleeping deviceBased on 25 years of university R&D, the device is worn like a pair of sunglasses and emits a soft blue-green light onto the eyes.The light from Re-Timer stimulates the part of the brain responsible for regulating the 24-hour body clock. Body clocks or circadian rhythms influence the timing of our sleep and wake patterns, alertness, performance levels and metabolism. These rhythms varyregularly over a 24-hour cycle. However, this process is often impaired by staying indoors, travelling to other time zones, working irregular hours, or a lack of sunlight during winter months.Re-Timer is a wearable light therapy device emits a UV free Blue-green light. Available in 46 countries, Re-Timer is considered the “gold standard”, Manufactured in Australia and certified by the TGA, MHRA, CE and meets the eye safety standard IEC 62471.